As a  non-profit, volunteer-run organization, we are 100% funded by community donations and membership dues. We are responsible for putting on all WHS staff appreciation events, graduation activities including grad night (among other things), so your money is well-spent (and tax deductible)!

  • Become a PTSA member by paying dues. 
  • Donate online. When you choose to donate online you can provide directed donations to some of the PTSA programs such as Staff Appreciation or Senior Scholarships. Or you can donate to the general PTSA fund.
  • Donate via mail. (Mail a check to WHS PTSA at 199 Churchill Ave. in Woodside, CA 94062) If you want your funds to go towards a specific programs, please indicate so.
  • Buy a commemorative brick to honor a staff member, student or alumnus
  • Ask these businesses to donate when you shop!
    • AmazonSmile has been shut down but you can still have contribution made to WHS when you shop online. Register with goodshop and they will donate portions of purchases to WHS



  • Go to meetings? Not unless you want to! We welcome all members of the community to our monthly meetings, but there is no pressure to attend. 
  • Volunteer or spend a lot of time at school? Nope! Joining the PTSA is not the same as volunteering. If you choose to volunteer, we would LOVE the help—but volunteering is not required.