There are no special skills required to join the PTSA - just a desire to help. If you are interested in getting involved just contact us and we can put you in touch with the right person.


Email us if you're interested in volunteering!


Vice President: Lisha Mainz (lmainzdc@gmail.com)

Secretary: Victoria Defouw (vdefouw@gmail.com)

Treasurer: Ana Cervantes (iulnaasa@gmail.com)

Auditor: Steve Washington (stephentwashington.0@gmail.com)

Parliamentarian: Laura Legros (lauralegros@mac.com)

Communication: Jana Hoffman (hoffstei@gmail.com)

Membership: OPEN

Staff Appreciation: Lisa Decottignies (lisadeco@gmail.com) & Saya Doitel (sdoitel@gmail.com)

Teacher Mini Grants: Caroline Krauskopf (caroline@krauskopf.com)

Open House: Naomi Reynolds  (dragonyoga@hotmail.com)

Buy-a-Brick: Naomi Reynolds (dragonyoga@hotmail.com)

Community Rep: Karen Peterson (Seiko) (seiko.arimoto@gmail.com)

Class of 2024 Chairs: Amy Doss (amydoss@gmail.com)

Class of 2025 Chairs:Alicia Young (aesyoung@gmail.com)

Class of 2026 Chair: Vickie Vutam (vickievutam@gmail.com)

Class of 2027: Leslie Stafford (lrs0422@yahoo.com)